Under the term "household power, or home, the dog" is part of a diverse set of modes nutrients that go by the exclusive use of scraps from the table, the use of rations until finely processed to meet the nutritional needs of the dog.
Power of caneNel way is classically designed, home ration is composed of a mixture "meat-rice-carrots", enriched with a little olive oil, from time to time with an egg, and sometimes with a vitamin-mineral supplement specific. The various ingredients may of course substitute with each other, since their nutritional value is roughly equivalent. However, in order not to make mistakes, it is important to know the foods allowed and which to avoid, or to be given sparingly. Note, however, that the dog is not a machine, but something far more complicated and close to perfection as a result - within reasonable limits - is perfectly able to adapt their metabolism to the type of feed received. In other words, perfectly dosed individual nutrients is not as important as the detractors would have us believe supply housewife and avid supporters of the feed dogs.
Given the difficulty in interpreting the label of pet food, and above all clear to go back to the origin of raw materials, there are still many people who prefer to opt for healthy homecooked. The widespread fear is that industrial products may contain substances harmful to the dog, as additives (colorings, flavorings etc..), Raw materials of poor quality or substances added for fraudulent purposes (see melamine scandal). Many owners of dogs and cats, therefore, shun the idea of basing the power of their animals entirely on these products, "artificial" and devoid of any connotation that could make them authentic, natural and "alive." We should not forget the widespread and certainly not unfounded fear that slaughterhouse waste and grains, unfit for human consumption (entrails, bones, cartilage, fat irranciditi, diseased parts, food grain contaminated with mycotoxins, etc..), Are in somehow recycled in the production of pet food.
Ultimately, the industrial food for dogs raises many doubts to the average consumer, even in what you used systematically for the sake of time, convenience and economy.